Please don’t buy a home without representation!
Click on any property to the right to see examples of Parker’s deals. Please feel free to try the powerful property search tool above and call us any time to see these and other homes in person.
There are many compelling reasons beyond the great deals to choose Parker as the perfect locale for your new Colorado home. First off, Parker is just a great place to live, read more here. Now the real estate deals are starting all over again in Parker, Colorado housing
Lots of inventory: Builders also see Parker, Colorado in a very positive light, they have invested here.
A number of builders in Parker have been constructing ready-for-move-in “spec” homes for months. Yes, having houses ready for quick closing and move-in gives companies like Richmond American Homes and Meritage Homes a huge advantage over other builders. However, pre-building has created a situation where these companies need to sell some this quality housing ASAP. This spells opportunity for you:
- Stronger negotiation and therefore a better Parker housing deal.
- No waiting six months for your new home to be completed.
- Builder financing in many cases is offered at below market rates if you qualify.
- Builder affiliated financing has helped many families purchase homes at great rates and terms. *
- Lower rates give better loan ratios to the buyer, aiding in financing and qualification – gets your home CLOSED.
Do you need to sell a house before your new home dream can be a reality? We understand that these days selling real estate is much easier said than done. At Colorado New Home Specialists, we can still help to make your move to Parker happen. Please read our information here on exactly what we do to assist in your whole move, not just the listing and selling process in isolation.
Please remember that much of the available housing inventory may not be shown in the listing services. For that reason, we at Colorado New Home Specialists keep a sharp eye on brand new homes that are ready for quick move-in. We know where they are. Call us today.
* Builder affiliated financing is a legitimate business solution. Colorado requires disclosure to you of affiliated business relationships. Colorado New Home Specialists is not affiliated with any builder’s lender.

Colorado New Home Specialists, Parker, CO sweet deals on new housing excess inventory.